
Differences between Industrial Robots and Industrial Automation Equipment

Publisher: Management Date:2019-07-04

       1. The difference in meaning

Industrial robots are multi-joint robots or multi-degree-of-freedom machines for the industrial field. They can perform work automatically. They are machines that realize various functions by their own power and control. It can be commanded by humans or run in accordance with pre-programmed procedures, and modern industrial robots can also act according to the principles of artificial intelligence.

Industrial automation is the control of various parameters in industrial production, to achieve various process control, to minimize the manpower operation in the entire industrial production, and to make full use of energy and various information other than animals for production, ie It is called industrial automation production, and the process that enables the industry to automate production is called industrial automation.

2, the difference in characteristics

The characteristics of industrial robots are programmable. Further development of production automation is flexible start-up; anthropomorphization. Industrial robots have a human-like part in the mechanical structure, and there are computers in control; industrial robots have better versatility in performing different tasks. Industrial machine technology involves a wide range of disciplines, summed up in the combination of mechanics and microelectronics - mechatronics technology.

The characteristics of industrial automation are highly automated procedures, no manual operation; high work efficiency, improve the production efficiency of the enterprise; stable production process of the whole process, improve product consistency; suitable for mass production, reducing the production cost of the enterprise.